Building your Pipeline

Since most projects will differ in what they want to do, a user will likely need to configure their own pipeline. Once all PipelineBlocks have been written, setting up a pipeline and running it is straight forward. Here’s an example of configuring a pipeline and running it on a dataset (SampleBlock1 and SampleBlock2 both inherit from PipelineBlock):

from core.pipeline import Pipeline
from core.dataset import Dataset
from blocks.sample.sample_blocks import SampleBlock1
from blocks.sample.sample_blocks import SampleBlock2

## Argument parsing:
import argparse
# ... (left out for brevity)
# ...

## Data loading:
dataset = Dataset(args.data_path, args.num_samples)

# Initialize the pipeline:
pipeline = Pipeline(verbose=True)

# Build the pipeline by adding blocks to it.
# The order used here is important - blocks will later be run in this order as well.
block1 = SampleBlock1()
pipeline.append_block( block1 )

block2 = SampleBlock2()
pipeline.append_block( block2 )

# Execute the pipeline, run each block for each sample in dataset: dataset )

For more detailed examples, check out the run scripts in the “src” directory, such as